bihar board result delayed copies evaluation stopped

This year, the Bihar School Examination Board has released the 12th board result on March 24, whereas the 10th board result on May 26. The board releases this year’s 12th board result in time however, the 10th board result get delayed due to the lockdown imposed in the country.

Bihar Board Passes 2,12,287 Class 10th and 12th Student by Allotting Grace Marks

Now, out of all the students appeared in this year’s Class 10th and 12th board examination, 3,40,633 students have failed in one or two subjects. Now, earlier it was planned to conduct a compartmental examination but seeing the condition of the existing pandemic in the state, the board has announced, out of all the above 3 Lakh students, the board has passed 2,12,287 students by allotting them the grace marks. For now, it is not clear how much grace marks the board has allotted to the failed students. Also, passing this much number of Bihar Board Class 10th and 12th students by allotting grace marks has never happened before.

What BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore has said about the same?

The BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore has said, we were waiting for the situation to get normal so that we conduct the compartmental examination as soon as possible. However, seeing the current status of the pandemic in the state, we are not able to conduct the examination also if we do conduct the examination, the result would get delayed to November-December this year. That means these students would lose their one academic year. Seeing the same we decided to pass via the grace marks to those students who have failed in one or two subjects.

Number of Students who failed in one or two subjects

In Grade 10 Examination, a total of 2,08,147 students failed in one or two subjects, however, in the same number of subjects, 1,32,486 Grade 12 students is failed. Now, out of these numbers, the board has passed 2,12,287 students by allotting grace marks.

Muzcorner is a blog and news portal that consistently writes articles about Muzaffarpur City and Bihar.

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