Garbage Cluster in Muzaffarpur

The population of Muzaffarpur city, which is called the economic capital of North Bihar, is about 54 lakhs.

And this population daily produces about 170 tons of garbage in the city.

To put these wastes to use, the state government will soon build a garbage cluster in the city.

After collecting and sorting the city’s waste, it will be handed over to the selected agencies.

The agencies will make various useful items from these wastes, such as plates, glasses, furniture etc.

At present, the garbage generated in the city (which is 150 to 170 tonnes on an average), the corporation dumps it in the Rautania garbage pit, which has resulted in a pile of garbage there. About 1.5 lakh tonnes of garbage has accumulated there in a year. The corporation will soon dispose of these wastes through tenders.

Waste collection and utilization cluster will be opened not only in Muzaffarpur but also in other 24 cities of the state.

This cluster can be constructed in Kanti in Muzaffarpur.

Read also: Waste to Petrol Factory is opening in Muzaffarpur

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