Order Fresh Vegetables Online Bihar
Order Fresh Vegetables Online Muzaffarpur Bihar

In order to provide fresh vegetables to the people of Bihar at low cost, the Bihar State Vegetable Processing and Marketing Cooperative Federation Limited has started a website called www.tarkaarimart.in. This website lets people order vegetables online and get it delivered right at their doorstep.

The service is currently operational in Patna and Motihari for now but will soon be followed up in other districts of Bihar. It is said if a consumer order the vegetables today, then it will be delivered tomorrow at their doorstep.

The main aim to bring this initiative is as follows:

  1. To reduce the crowd at vegetable markets.
  2. To ease the process of purchasing vegetables amid this global pandemic.
  3. To provide fresh and affordable vegetables to the people of Bihar.
  4. To generate some sort of employment.
  5. To provide the legitimate price of vegetables to the farmers.

At the time of writing this article, I tried to open the website mentioned above but it doesn’t open, maybe the site admins are working on some backend issue. In the meanwhile, do let me know if you are able to access the same website and also let me know, whether you are happy with the rates of vegetables listed on the same website.

Read also: Now Order Online Vegetables in Muzaffarpur

An accomplished Search Engine Marketer with a strong passion for the digital landscape. He crafts insightful content on technology and innovation, empowering audiences while fostering meaningful engagement...

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